Cooking delicious, healthy food is the cornerstone of a good life in our opinion. Food is fuel, but food can also bring so much joy and enjoyment to our life that it's important to actually it.
Eating steamed brussels sprouts with chicken breast is not something we want to force ourselves to do. However eating healthy and delicious food is often easier said than done, especially if you're trying to create the recipes on the go.
Instead, we like to follow a few key chefs and cookbooks that give us a lovely variety of healthy food recipes that we never get sick of eating.
Below we have listed our top cookbooks to buy, and chefs to follow to stay healthy and satisfied with your meals.
1. Nadia Lim's Journals
Nadia Lim is one of our favourite clean eating chefs. Mindful in her approach, she doesn't take healthy eating to the extreme. Her food is always (always) delicious and healthy.
She often has an Asian fusion spin on her recipes, which depending on your taste could be a good thing, or a bad thing. We love Asian food over here, so it's a big tick for us.
These journals used to come out quarterly, but unfortunately they have been discontinued since. However they are available on her website still, and we love to follow them seasonally for recipes.
2. Miss Polly's Kitchen Cookbook
Polly Markus, also known as @miss_pollys_kitchen on Instagram, is a local chef superstar in our opinion. Her recipes are again always delicious, and really healthy.
Her first cookbook, Miss Polly's Kitchen, is a goldmine of healthy recipes. They never miss, and always leave us dreaming of the leftovers we get to eat to the next day.
She has a second cookbook coming out shortly, and we can't wait to purchase that one!
3. Miss Polly's Kitchen Instagram
Speaking of the lovely Miss Polly, she has a highly popular Instagram page, and for good reason - it is a treasure trove of delicious recipe ideas.
We've tried (and loved) many of her Instagram recipes, so if you're in a pinch head on over there and find something to cook. We promise it's all delicious!
3. Emily English's Instagram
And for another Instagram superstar, we have Emily English. A certified nutritionist, Emily knows what's good for you and what isn't. Her recipes are always delicious and often packed with protein (which is essential for long-lasting satiety).
Emily is based in England however, so her recipes are always on the opposite season to us in New Zealand. We tend to simply scroll back on her grid until we're on the correct season, and pick from there.
5. Simple Wholefoods by Sophie Steevens
And for our final recommendation, we couldn't pass by without mentioning this gem of a book.
This book only covers plant-based, gluten-free, and refined sugar-free recipes, however we find that even if you're none of those things, it can be really nice to have a few days in a week where you eat vegetarian recipes. Plus, it's great for the planet, which is a big win in our books.
And that is all! We have plenty more we could share, but these are our Top 5's. We hope you enjoyed this article, and feel free to reach out if you have any questions or comments!
Anastasija xx